Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Here comes the mid-tern week

It seems to be a hard semester of this second semester of junior. I registered somecourses aren't offered by my department. the courses are offered by department of Computer Science and Information Engineering.it's harder for a student who without anyfundementals.Although it is difficult for me,i will try my best to understand the contentof the courses.And this course-Computer-aided learning,i have to say soory to the teacher,Ping due to the problem of my own.i will make up all the assignment that teacher assigned beforeas possible as i can.
Here comes the mid-teram exam.There are a lot of works and assignments to complete.i feel so out of breathe.Try to think on the other side,it's a test to see if i can handle andpass them.Although i am not the best and smartest person,but i can try to be a hard-workingperson.


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