Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Peer evaluation of classmates' presentation

Last week was mid-tern tresentation. Unfortunately,my partner and I was going to introduceand computer-aided learning software-Live ABC,which was the same as the other group.So we planned to introduce another tool.The second group,who introduce an software which can see a movie and learn English at the sametime.Through their introduction,we can learn English culture and some interesting wordsencountered in the movies.It seems a very good way to improve English due to learnig for fun.
The other group who introduce an software-CNN Interactive English. It's also an usefuland insteresting-to-learn tool.In my personal opinion,they can tell us more about what's the content and topics in each tool.They can also teach us what they learned from tools.Since it is an English course, we can try to present in English and the meterial(power point)can try to be typed or showed in English. I think there will help us learn more aboutEnglish and present in English.


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