Sunday, May 01, 2005

Interact with my penpal-vol.01

Hi,nice to meet you.I found your profile and would like to make friends on the net andpractice English at the same time.My name is Amanda,who is a 21 year-old undergraduate student majoring in architecture in National Taiwanuniversity of science and technology in Taipei, Taiwan.I am planning studying abroad after graduation. I like to listen to music,see a movie,read in my spared time.Honestly speaking, Due to the assignment-make a penpal and post the letter on everyone'sblog. If you don't mind some of your letters being posted on the blog; If you do, please tell me for respecting your personal privacy.i really hope we can be very good friends. we can share something interesting happening in our daily life.
sincerely yours
Amanda Ke

Dear little Amanda:
Very pleased to hear from you, thanks a lot for visiting my sites and reveive your inspiration. In fact,I'm also an undergraduate student in Peiking university, China presently, and I'm gonna to be honored withmy degree next year, and planning to study abroad for my M.S degree in U.S and hope to see u there as soon.Any way, I'm very glad to co-work with you about your assignment and make friends with you.
Keep in touchBest.
Moses Zhao


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