Thursday, June 02, 2005

peer evaluation~final presentation

First of all, I apologize for my absence last tuesday due to so much overloaded homework.
Two groups presented this week.
First group choose "speaking" as their topic. they have introduced some interesting and useful websites that can really help students to learn English well.
I am interested in this website they introduced-

this website contains various topics for learners to choose which they are insterested in.
In my personal opinion, "speaking" is very general, they can choose some direction
to introduce in more detail.
the second group is formed with classmates major in design department.
They did a good example for presentation.The topic they chose is general,too.So they
choose some specific topics to discuss with.
I thought that's not enough if a speaker just tells us what the website they found and browse through it when they are in their persentation.They can organize the information they found in many websites and present with it.


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