Saturday, April 30, 2005

Assignment-Looking for a school to study abroad

This part of assignments really excites me.Because i am planning to study abroad after graduation. Due to this field i am majoring in,it's a better way to study abroad than in domestic.
Here are some information about my ideal graduate school-Carnegie Mellon University.
and the answers to the assignment.

1.(a) Where do you start your search?
ans: By the search engine such as Google.
(b) What keywords will you use?
ans: I typed the school name or the abbreviation in the search column. they will show the result immediately on the page.
2. Here are some informations of the searching result:
Name of school: Carnegie Mellon University
URL of school website:
Contact URL:
Address: 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Programs and classes:
a. They offer many programs and degrees for students such as Architecture,Computer science,Mathmetic,Chemical engineering,Drama,Art,Design...... and so on.
b. Each program differs depending on character of degrees.For example,the program of Computational Design offered by Architecture Department needs 2 years to get the degree,and another program-The Master of Science in Architectural Engineering Construction Management is structured as a 9-month or 16-month program.
c. There will be about 30 to 40 students in each program.
Tuition fee: The total tuition for the graduate programs in Architecture (2005-06) is $30,000.(approximate NT 96,000)-I think this is for an academic year!

my friends took this pictures in the restaurant. Posted by Hello

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A new NB!

Last saturday i bought my first notebook and i fell in love with "him" immediately.
Because more and more works needs to be done with computer and i dont want to stay at home all day long due to the bad interior air the lighting.
I found many adventages that a laptop can't have them. For example, the wireless net,and easy to carry. I still can work anywhere without some unnessesary component.
But this notebook emmphasize its function(specialize in drafting),so it is a little heavy for a girl to carry along with it everyday.
i won't care to much if i can complete fascinating works with this notebook.
maybe i depend on computer a little bit over!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Peer evaluation of classmates' presentation

Last week was mid-tern tresentation. Unfortunately,my partner and I was going to introduceand computer-aided learning software-Live ABC,which was the same as the other group.So we planned to introduce another tool.The second group,who introduce an software which can see a movie and learn English at the sametime.Through their introduction,we can learn English culture and some interesting wordsencountered in the movies.It seems a very good way to improve English due to learnig for fun.
The other group who introduce an software-CNN Interactive English. It's also an usefuland insteresting-to-learn tool.In my personal opinion,they can tell us more about what's the content and topics in each tool.They can also teach us what they learned from tools.Since it is an English course, we can try to present in English and the meterial(power point)can try to be typed or showed in English. I think there will help us learn more aboutEnglish and present in English.

Here comes the mid-tern week

It seems to be a hard semester of this second semester of junior. I registered somecourses aren't offered by my department. the courses are offered by department of Computer Science and Information's harder for a student who without anyfundementals.Although it is difficult for me,i will try my best to understand the contentof the courses.And this course-Computer-aided learning,i have to say soory to the teacher,Ping due to the problem of my own.i will make up all the assignment that teacher assigned beforeas possible as i can.
Here comes the mid-teram exam.There are a lot of works and assignments to complete.i feel so out of breathe.Try to think on the other side,it's a test to see if i can handle andpass them.Although i am not the best and smartest person,but i can try to be a hard-workingperson.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Some useful english-learning website

I wanna introduce some websites useful for learning English.
Some are recommanded by netpals and some are founded by browsing the forums.

I think this is a well-known website and newspaper.
You can listen to the daily news and other aspects of articles.

A well-known American broadcast website. you can download all the report on line and
learn the hottest vocabularies and phrases.
A website introducing casual and informal English that we can use it every day.
some words are funny and you can't learn from textbook.(Strong recommand)
It's an website of English-learning magazine-Live ABC. this website not only contains the
daily english broadcast but also some free sources such as Headline English, living dialogue,
commercial dialogue, dialogues in situations....... and so on.
you can guess what the website is according to the address name. You can conduct all the words
you encountered and listen to the pronunciation. it's all for free.

I will add more useful links~~~~

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


  • Name----------Hua-ying KE (Amanda)
  • Nick name----A-Jan
  • Birthdate-----Oct/12/'84
  • Major---------Department of Architecture
  • Degree--------Junior
  • Intrests-------Listening to music,Reading,surfing the internet, computer drawing,singing

  • Strictly speaking,I am a new student in this class.

    But i will do my best for the assignments.

    This blog will show something about special design,

    my works and somthing interesting noticed from the internet.